Collier Genealogy Questions

HELP!  I have attached a pedigree chart from the J.C. material you posted, but now I can’t locate on your database of PDFs.  It may have been made by a researcher in England and only descends to Robert and Agnes Venable Collier and family.  According to the chart Robert and Agnes had 11 children including Thurston who married Elizabeth Turnstall and Robert who married Elizabeth widow with additional information I can’t make out.  Is there another page to this pedigree that lists the following generations?  I see what appears under Robert what looks like “Revell” .  I’m confused as to who Isaac Collier’s parents were.  Some researchers say it was Robert and Mary Strang (sp?).  Some say Robert’s parents are Thurston and Elizabeth Turnstall.  Does anybody have an accurate pedigree chart because I sure could use one?

Also in a letter to Mr. Robert Collier of Denver, Colorado dated Jan. 31, 1925 from J.C., J.C. wrote “The Isaac above mentioned was the one who came to America about 1650 settling in York Co. Va. and owned Morgans plantation and likewise Porto Bello on the York River which is just above Mt. Vernon.”  Porto Bello is reported to have belonged to Cornelius Collier (1720-1810), son of John.  Did Isaac actually own Porto Bello?  Some researchers have Isaac born circa 1709 in Porto Bello and also cite several of his children being born there.  Would appreciate any clarification you can give.

Linda Bennett

genealogy rpt pic_Page_18

From Linda,
Here is documentation for my recent post. It was supposed to be attached,
but somehow got lost. I am taking the liberty of sending the actual will,
but it takes some doing to decipher.

Will of Robert Collier, Pewterer of London search return Will of Robert Collyer Pewterer of London


32 Thoughts on “Collier Genealogy Questions

  1. collierheritage on December 2, 2016 at 10:16 am said:

    The above chart is an image (not .pdf) in the French? You Must Be Kidding” post

  2. Linda Bennett on December 2, 2016 at 10:28 am said:

    Couldn’t get the PDF to load so I changed it to a JPG

  3. Larry collier on December 3, 2016 at 12:51 pm said:

    Mt vernon is on the potomac river not the york.

  4. Linda Bennett on December 4, 2016 at 3:51 pm said:

    The reference to the Potomac River was a direct quote from Jena’s letter to Robert Collier! On a different note, if anyone is interested, the Colyar of Darlaston pedigree found in The Visitation of Staffordshire, A.D. 1583 made by Robert Glover and published in 1883 resembles closely the above chart from J.C. The only difference I noted was a daughter Elizabeth who was not included in the above chart.

  5. collierheritage on January 25, 2017 at 8:40 pm said:

    Blog Post Title: Parentage of Isaac Collier the immigrant??

    Have been spending time researching parents of Isaac Collier the immigrant. The “French you must be kidding” information from this site has been very helpful. Robert Collier, pewterer of London who married Margery Straunge, Widow, of St. Botolph Aldgate, Feb. 3, 1569-70, is NOT Isaac’s father. The will of Robert Collyer, Pewterer of London is dated January 28, 1577. A copy of it mentions wife Margery, but there is no mention of any children. It is impossible for this Robert to be Isaac’s father as Isaac was born @1606. Also the William Collier on pg. XXIII of the handwritten pedigree information, 1645, bachelor, citizen and vintner (St. Michael’s. Wood St.) is not the son of Robert, but of a James Collier. At this time Robert who married Margaret Revell and Robert Collier, yeoman, are still possibilities, but I am beginning to wonder if Isaac’s father is not “Robert” but a man with another first name!

    John Collyer, brother of Isaac the immigrant, married Regina Malo Jun. 18, 1645, St. Mary Rotherhithe Parish, Southwark, England. Their son Charles was born abt 1646. John dies abt 1649 and Regina’s will is probated Jul 15, 1651. Charles’ grandmother, Regina’s mother, becomes his guardian. It is interesting to note that John specifies in his will that Charles is not to go with Regina if she leaves England and that he is to be raised as a protestant. Wonder what happened to Charles after his mother’s death. Did his Italian grandmother adhere to his father John’s wishes? Did he grow up and come to America and maybe to Virginia and Isaac’s family? Seems the more answers I find, the more I get!

    Anyone else out there in Collier land interested in this?

    Linda Bennett

  6. collierheritage on January 26, 2017 at 9:29 am said:


    Thank you for your interest and your contributions. I am sure there are folks who have the same questions and interest as yours, and CHF invites them to participate in the discussion. This is in total agreement with our mission to disseminate Collier genealogical and historical information.

    J. C. Collier and his son, D. C., both had questions about the genealogist’s report you reference. D. C. made two trips to Europe and included his own genealogical research on at least one of them. CHF has notes from this personal research that may be useful for you. These notes will eventually be posted here.


  7. Linda Bennett on February 14, 2017 at 10:02 am said:

    John Fowler, a Presbyterian merchant (clothworker) of Bucklersbury, London, England with strong Puritan inclinations, mentions John Collyer as servant and cozin in his will. He leaves John 100 pounds and makes him co executor with his only son, Joshua Fowler. The will was probated 12-22-1642 and he was buried in the cemetery of St. Mary Woolchurch, London 12-20-1642. John Fowler had a daughter Katherine who married James Philips when she was 16 years old, 8-22-1648, St. Mary Woolchurch, London, Middlesex, England.. John Collyer’s name appears below that of James Philips on the registry. Katherine Fowler Philips is friend to Regina Malo Collyer, wife of John. So close is the relationship that Katherine writes the epitaphs for the grave stone of John and his infant daughter Regina. After John’s death Regina left England for Antwerp, Belgium in search of another husband. This may be why John Collyer stipulates in his will that his son Charles should remain in England and be raised as a protestant if Regina should leave.

    On another note, I have a copy of the will for Roberti Collier, distiller of St. Olave County Surrey, Southwark, England October 23, 1625. This is the Robert who was attributed to be the father of Isaac on the handwritten pedigree (Collier Heritage Foundation site). Roberti’s will mentions his brother Anthony, but here is no mention of children John, Mary or Isaac. This Roberti had another brother, Richard, also a distiller, whose will is 9-13-1625. Richard’s will mentions sons Robert and Richard, but no John, Mary or Isaac. Despite the fact that John and Regina were married in Southwark, 6-18-1645, I don’t believe that Roberti Collier, distiller is John, Isaac or Mary’s father.

  8. Linda Bennett on February 14, 2017 at 10:06 am said:

    The American Collier’s have a tradition of passing down names of relatives to their children. I was getting nowhere with Robert being the name of Isaac’s father. So I started to look at names for clues. Now this is just a theory that needs investigation!!!!! I researched the name Charles since both John and Isaac name a son Charles. Isaac names a son Abraham, so I checked that out too. Also checked out William and St. Olave, Southwark, Surrey, England, since the handwritten pedigree mentions a brother William, and John married Regina in Southwark. Here is where things get interesting. I found an ABRAHAM Collier who married SARAH Voss, daughter of ISAAC Voss. Abraham and Sarah have a son WILLIAM who comes to Plymouth Mass. According to a tree SARAH dies in Southwark. Isaac has a sister Mary who marries John Knight. There is record of a John and Mary Knight in Mass. Did Mary join her brother William in Mass.? Isaac the immigrant names children ISAAC, ABRAHAM, CHARLES, Thomas and SARAH. Question is did Isaac name his children after his father, grandfather, mother and nephew? As I stated in a previous post, John Collyer had a close personal relationship with John Fowler who had strong Puritan inclinations. Trying to connect the dots. Could it be that this is the line of Colliers that Isaac descends from?

  9. collierheritage on February 14, 2017 at 12:40 pm said:

    Here is Linda’s attachment. Click on the image for the full view.


  10. Tina Benagh on April 21, 2017 at 11:25 am said:

    The manuscript that heads this thread is 19th century, copied from Visitations of Staffordshire made long after the events. The only Visitation of Staffordshire for Colyar that can be trusted was 1583, because Robert Colyar was still alive and describing his father, himself, his wife, and his children.

  11. Linda Bennett on April 22, 2017 at 11:20 am said:

    I have yet to find any proof that a Robert Collyer/Colyar is the father of Isaac, John and Mary. If anyone has found proof, please let me know.

  12. Ed Dolan on April 28, 2017 at 5:58 pm said:

    To Linda – I have read your messages with great interest. On 25 Jan. 2017, you wrote that Isaac Collier’s brother John married Regina Malo , and they had a son named Charles. Now, have you read the “Collier History” writted by Elmer Roy Collier? A copy of is available in the Collier Heritage website. He does list Isaac and John as sons of Robert Collier and Margary Straunge (I read that you don’t belive Isaac was a son of Robert). He gives some data on Charles, son of John : b. ca. 1580, married c. 1614. He was a cloth worker and merchant in London. He had four children. The first child was William, a citizen and weaver of London, who married and emigrated to York Co., Va. This William Collier is mentioned in some genealogies (none of which provide sources) to be the father of a Charles Collier, of King and Queen Co., VA. This Charles is my family line.
    I know you’re focused on Isaac, and who his parents may have been. you have tried to get at the original documents, like Robert Collier’s will. You wondered what happened to Charles after John’s death. I’d like to located a will for Charles, and see if he actually had a son William. Elmer Collier did not list any sources for his story on Charles and William. If you ever find data or a will for Charles please post it in this blog. You are the only person I’ve found that seems to want to fill out the knowledge of this Collier family. All I have found on my Collier line are references that quote each other; where the anecdotal record began is blank.
    I’ll follow this blog for any more of your posts.
    Ed Dolan

    • Linda Bennett on April 29, 2017 at 9:10 pm said:

      Ed, I have looked over my copy of the will of Robert Collyer who married Margery Straunge. First the parish register lists him as Roger married Feb. 6, 1569, St. Botolph Aldgate. The different name on the marriage register could be an error on the part of the parish. I sent away for the will of Robert Collyer, Pewterer of London and tried my best to translate it as it is copyrighted. The date of the will is January 28, 1577 and it was probated May 3, 1577. Isaac, John and Mary were born the late 1590’s to about 1606. It is highly unlikely that Margery is their mother because of her age and the fact that Robert was dead 1577. I found a Margery Collyer marrying a Gyles Feethorne Sept. 29, 1578, City of London. This could have been the widow of Robert the pewterer. Many people have falsely believed that this Robert is the father of Isaac. As for Isaac’s nephew Charles, he became a ward of his grandmother Anna De Samiliano after the death of his mother Regina Malo Collyer in 1651. Regina’s father Vincent Malo and her brother Vincent Malo II were Flemish painters. The family moved from England to Antwerp, Belgium around 1652 and I believe they took Charles with them. I have not found any additional information on Charles. Charles was most likely born after 1645 as that is the date of his parents marriage and he was at most four or five when his father died in Dec. 1649 and about six or seven when his mother died. There are several errors in those old trees. Got to give them respect for all their hard work, but we have Ancestry and computers now and that can make all the difference.


  13. collierheritage on September 13, 2017 at 5:49 pm said:

    Hello! My name is Cassidy and I was woundering about my Family history, my grandfathers last name is Collier and his grandfathers name was Ruby, when Ruby was 14 he lived in Georgia, not sure where he wasn’t around much when my grandfather was a kid so we don’t know much, but he and a friend killed a black man and he fled to Texas, and that’s where we are now. On his death bed he told my grandfather to go home to Georgia and take back what was his.
    Does this story ring a bell or sound familiar to you?

  14. collierheritage on September 16, 2017 at 7:49 pm said:

    From Elaine Collier Neal:
    Ruby Wheeler Collier was born 9 April 1883 son of Benjamin P Collier and his first wife Nicy Elizabeth Wheeler. The family is in the 1900 census in Terrell County GA. So Ruby is still there as a 17 year old boy. He does appear in 1910 in Texas so that much is valid. Ruby’s Texas death certificate says father Ben Collier birth place Georgia. Unknown for other parts.

    So as to proving the rest of the story, its almost impossible if he and his friend were not charged or indicted. If he ran and they didn’t know where he was, he could escape being charged.

    Do you know what it is they are to return? That might have some clues for us. I wish I could say more.

    Thanks for the puzzle of the day.

  15. collierheritage on December 6, 2017 at 6:13 pm said:

    Kenneth Collier
    Nov 29 (7 days ago)

    Does anyone know anything about the the Collier Plantation that was located in what was then Elizabeth City, Virginia. I believe it was on land that is now part of Langley NASA. I think I know it’s exact location, but I am not entirely sure and I do not know what it was called.

    Thank you.

  16. Shannon Collier on February 5, 2018 at 10:18 pm said:

    I was wondering if you had any information on a Joseph Jasper Collier, born 25 March 1832, Carrollton Mississippi, served as a confederate soldier 1861, married Mary Ellen Brisbin 12 oct 1865, died 9 aug 1881. He is my 3rd Great Grandfather, I unfortunately have hit a brick wall in finding his parents names.

  17. Christopher Watkins on July 10, 2018 at 9:18 pm said:

    Did Vines Have A Daughter Named Nancy Ann? That Married A Menefee?

  18. Christopher Watkins on July 10, 2018 at 9:20 pm said:

    Did Vines Have A Daughter Named Nancy Ann? And She Have A Daughter Named Martha Ann Menefee?

  19. collierheritage on July 10, 2018 at 10:00 pm said:

    My information has Ann Collier, daughter of Vines and Sarah Elizabeth Collier, married John Hardeman. Hardeman passed away in about 1804. Ann then married George Menefee.

  20. collierheritage on July 10, 2018 at 10:05 pm said:

    In his will, George Menefee refers to his wife as Nancy.

  21. collierheritage on July 10, 2018 at 10:09 pm said:

    Records produced by others have Martha as one of the daughters of George and Ann (Nancy) Menefee.

  22. Christopher Watkins on July 24, 2018 at 6:46 pm said:

    That would make Vines my 6x great grand father and Nancy as my 5x great grandma that’s pretty cool. My mom is a Lawhon, Martha married Luther Allen Lawhon.

  23. Jamwa vines on April 9, 2019 at 11:00 pm said:

    My names is james william vines iv of md ive been spinning circles through the web and some immediate family the past few months and cannot fine evidence not making thomas vines my 7th great grandfather but im no professional. Im 26 years of age and pretty good with my research maybe someone here could assist me i have links to all my references

  24. Danny Earl Collier on August 15, 2023 at 3:28 pm said:

    My name is Danny Earl Collier do I belong to this family?

  25. collierheritage on August 15, 2023 at 7:36 pm said:

    In general, if you are a Collier or relative, you do. Specifically, though, you’d have to provide some information to see what your connections are.

  26. Frank Collier on November 20, 2023 at 8:26 pm said:

    From Frank Collier:

    Blog Post Title: sam collier of jamestown

    i saw a rumor that sam collier was related to this collier line
    it funny that sam collier was say 12 years old in 1608 about and died in 1622 so he died at around 25
    they sent him to live on the south side of the river to learn the language right where Surry county is now
    my line shows up there John and Thomas around 1630 or so they would be the correct age to be sons of sam collier if he had an indian wife

    just interesting thats all- could be

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