Donald Collier

This is a personal post for a distant cousin and a good friend:

Everyone, please know that our Cousin Donald Collier of Georgia has returned home after suffering a stroke. Don, a descendant of John, son of Vines Collier, has been long been involved in genealogical research and has documented many of the important Collier sites in Georgia. He is one of the far-reaching Collier clan we have been privileged to meet – all brought together by the CHF and our common interests. For Don, we ask that you pray for his full and speedy recovery, and for his family, strength to help him with his ordeal.

Whether you know him personally or not, he is kinfolk and with a huge love of family.  I’m sure he would welcome a card of encouragement.

1194 West Nancy Creek Drive
Brookhaven, GA 30319


5 Thoughts on “Donald Collier

  1. Elaine on April 30, 2016 at 12:27 pm said:

    Dear Cousin Don,

    I mailed you a big package of family stuff today to amuse and tease you while you recover. We all are wishing you and your family well. Best wishes Cousin Elaine Collier Neal

  2. What is our cousin designation for Donald? What number and how many removed? Thanks!

  3. collierheritage on May 3, 2016 at 6:48 am said:

    If my counting is correct, Cousin Don is the fifth generation from Vines Collier, the same as my father. So, he is my father’s fourth cousin. Don’s daughter and I are fifth cousins.

  4. collierheritage on July 7, 2018 at 12:11 pm said:

    I have found out that Donald Collier has suffered another stroke and has been in ICU. Please keep Donald and his family in your thougts and prayers.

  5. Leah Kirschner on September 21, 2023 at 6:19 am said:

    Hello, my name is Leah Kirschner. Don was my grandpa’s brother (Ben Lewis Collier) Son. My Grandpa was Irvin Sears Collier married Vanetta Strange. They had 2 children. Irvin Sears Collier Jr and my mom Bonnie June Collier whom sadly passed away Tues Sept 19th 2023. I took over the genealogy from my mom when she was diagnosed with dementia. I have a bit on the Colliers but not a lot. Her and Don spoke a lot and I’ve found quite a bit online, but I want hard proof before I add it in my tree.
    Thank you all,

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The Pulse of CHF Website – Where Are We Now?

Marker for Collier Alley, Barnesville, Georgia

Marker for Collier Alley, Barnesville, Georgia

In February 2016, the Collier Heritage Foundation website was one year old.  The website was begun to collect and disseminate information about Collier family history.  For Year One, I think we have been successful.  Here are some of the highlights of our work as I see them.

  • Made public three extensive Collier genealogies:  1) contracted by Jena Cuthbert Collier, 2) complied by Elmer Collier, and 3) complied by Barbara Vines Little and contracted by Elaine Collier Neal.  If you missed any of these, check the “Recent Posts” or “Archives” sections.
  • Posted correspondence relating to the “discovery” of the burial place of Vines Collier.
  • Exhibited photos not seen since 1944 of the dedication of the Vines Collier monument.
  • Posted pages from Collier family Bibles.
  • Provided geo-referenced locations of the plantations of Charles Collier and Thomas Vines near Yorktown, Virginia.
  • Posted some of the Confederate history of the Colliers.
  • Posted numerous historical Collier photographs.

A word of caution in regard to three genealogies or any family history posted here.  Genealogical information from different sources may be contradictory.  It doesn’t necessarily mean one is correct and one isn’t.  Maybe there is just not enough of the right information.  Regardless, our job here is not to decide what is accurate or inaccurate but to put the information out for review and discussion.

Emails and private correspondence tells me we are bringing together Colliers from around the country.  However, the site has only 27 followers and only has received 4 public comments.  In the previous year, the site had almost 3500 views, which is an average of about 9.5 per day.  The biggest day ever was in August 2015, with 115 view in a single day.  It seems apparent we have many more “views” than “followers” or “subscribers”.  Perhaps the feeling is that by “subscribing”, you will get an unwanted deluge of messages and ads.   Be assured, this is not the case.  You will only be notified by email of a new posting.  Please “subscribe”.  More subscribers would make the effort to produce this website more worthwhile.  I also invite you to introduce yourself on our Message Board.  And comments about this website or any post are invited, welcomed, and appreciated!

Glen Collier


One Thought on “The Pulse of CHF Website – Where Are We Now?

  1. Wayne collier on March 6, 2016 at 10:33 pm said:

    I think my favorite post from the past year was the one that showed where the Collier plantations were located using aerial photos from Google maps. It’s neat to see how the real estate has been developed and changed since those days. When I was in Yortown and driving around York County back in 2009, I remember wondering if I had been on what was once some of the old Collier land. Now, I know! In fact, my souvenir from that trip was a water bottle full of dirt I collected and labeled ‘York county Virginia’. Thanks 4 your work on the website and family history.

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Collier Family History, by Elmer Roy Collier

In 1975, some 50 years after J. C. Collier made contact with the Texas descendants of Efford Cobb Collier, Elmer Roy Collier compiled his Collier Family History.  The document was privately published and provided to relatives. Elmer Roy, a great-grandson of Efford Cobb, conducted extensive research and visited sites important to our Collier heritage.

John Howard Collier, son of Elmer Roy Collier, has made available for posting the manuscript produced by his father.

From John Howard Collier:

This electronic PDF document is the result of my dad’s, Elmer Roy Collier, extensive work on his Collier family history in the 1980’s after he retired. His original focus was on the Efford Cobb Collier descendants (son of Robert Collier, son of Isaac Collyer) who left Georgia to emigrate to Texas where extensive descendants still resided.

He always had an interest in photography and had gathered many of the old family photos. He had camera setup for making copies of other’s family photos. He enjoyed gathering family stories.  He and my mom did a lot of genealogy research while traveling to visit my family from Salt Lake City to cemeteries and distant relatives through the south.

Finding distant relatives with the same interests as listed on page 4, he “swapped” genealogy and added many sections to other Collier members and to the Collier ancestors. In addition he would find other family names through marriages such as Vines, Peirsey and Draper which he would include. He then typed all the material from genealogy to family stories to other historical references, and copied photos into this document which he then bound for each of his three children. He would make copies for other interested relatives. This was released in 1975 with a major update in 1987.

He and my mother also did the same research on the other three family lines of their parents and published similar volumes. When going through all his material, I found the original unbound copies and scanned into this PDF document to share his work.

CHF is grateful for this addition to our website.  The arrows at the bottom of the page can be used to scroll through the document.


The entire document is available for download at the following link:


Many thanks to John Collier for sharing this important work.

One Thought on “Collier Family History, by Elmer Roy Collier

  1. James L Collier Jr on November 22, 2017 at 7:43 pm said:

    I am related all the way down to Vines Collier. From there my side of the family went to Alabama will Elmer’s went to Texas. I am so very glad to have found this document. Having it, and some other information beyond Vines has allowed me to piece together my entire Paternal line back to the beginning….. or at least France.

    Thank you so kindly.

    James L Collier Jr

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Searching for the Family of Efford Cobb Collier


Efford Cobb Collier

Efford Cobb Collier was the son of Robert Collier and the grandson of Vines Collier.  Robert Marshall Collier and Isaac Cuthbert Collier were his brothers.  Jena Cuthbert (J. C.) Collier was nephew of Efford Cobb.

Efford Cobb left Upson County, Georgia in 1857 and relocated his family in Texas.  In 1912, J. C. Collier began trying to locate the family of his Uncle Efford.

The following is from the typed notes of J. C. Collier


J. C. reportedly sent letters to anyone in Texas he found with the Collier name.  Here are some samples of letters he sent in 1912.


Having no luck locating Efford’s family directly, J. C. sought information from the Powells and McCoys, who were reported to have left Georgia for Texas along with the Collier family.


This produced results and, in November 1923, J. C. made contact with J. J. Collier of Corpus Christi, Texas and grandson of Efford Cobb Collier.


There followed connecting with other members of Efford Cobb Collier’s widespread family,

Mrs. S. E. Collier:


Mrs. Fannie Jackson:


Edward Fluellen Collier:


R. O. Jackson:


Hardy R. Collier:


A. M. Harryman:


John Howard Collier:


Fannie Collier Preslar:


Mrs. Robert Redding Collier:


Mrs. Efford Collier Presler:





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Yorktown, Virginia 1704

Capture 11-27

The plantations of Charles Collier and Thomas Vines depicted on a Google-Earth image near Yorktown, Virginia.

Elaine Collier Neal has provided CHF documents showing the locations of the Charles Collier and Thomas Vines plantations near Yorktown, Virginia.

The first of our line of Colliers in America was Isaak Collyer who came to Virginia sometime in the mid-1600s. The line of descent from Isaak Collyer to Vines Collier is as follows:

Isaak Collyer > Charles Collier > Isaac Collier > Vines Collier

Isaac Collier married Ann Vines, the daughter of Thomas Vines. Vines Collier was given his mother’s maiden name, which was a typical convention of the time.

The following is a property map of the Yorktown, Virginia area in 1704, showing the plantation of Charles Collier (paternal grandfather of Vines Collier) and the plantation of Thomas Vines (maternal grandfather of Vines Collier).



The 1704 map was geo-referenced by GIS analysts and imported to Google-Earth. The resulting image depicts the approximate property boundaries of the plantations against a modern aerial photograph.

Capture 11-27

If you click on the following link, it should take you directly to Google-Earth where you can explore the image on your own computer. Google-Earth should be free if your machine does not have it.,-76.53685,4727m/data=!3m1!1e3

One Thought on “Yorktown, Virginia 1704

  1. JANET W TURNER on September 16, 2024 at 8:25 pm said:

    Can you tell me where to find the map that showed property locations.
    I am trying to research Portobello history. All history is after 1750.
    I know it is located on Camp Perry, Family book says some Collier members
    lived there and some born there. The Charles Collier plantation on map is in
    different location. Thank You

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