The Last Testament and Will of Vines Collier

Vines Collier died December 7, 1795 in Oglethorpe County, Georgia.  He was buried in the family burial plot on his plantation.

The Last Will and Testament of Vines Collier is dated September 11, 1795 and was recorded on December 11, 1795.  Vines became ill and passed away before signing the Will. However, with the testimony of witnesses who verified the accuracy of the Will as directed by Vines, as well as the acknowledgement of heirs, the Will was allowed to stand.

The Will is found in Oglethorpe County Will Book “A” on pages 14 and 16, in the Oglethorpe County Courthouse Probate Annex, Lexington, Georgia.  Photographs of the Will are below.

Full Page
Partial Page

It is apparent the document has been damaged and some of the text is missing.  The late Ramon Collier viewed drafts of the Will in the Georgia Archives in Atlanta, Georgia.  He reported,

            “There are two drafts of Vines’ will (Drawer 306, Box 118).  In one of these drafts, he names Matthew Rainey (Clerk of Court) as one of the executors along with John Collier, Isaac Collier and Salley Collier.  This stipulation, however, does not appear in the will that was approved and filed on the record.  Evidently, Matthew Rainey felt it necessary to file an affidavit of refusal because of the wording of this draft.  The other draft is pretty much a word for word rendering of the will that was filed.  From this it is possible to interpolate the exact wording of the portion of the will that has worn away due to the ravages of time.”

Presented below is the Will, as reconstructed and transcribed by the late Ramon Collier. The Will is followed by scans of additional, related legal documents, with transcriptions provided by Ramon. Portions shown in brackets ( ) have been damaged in the recorded copies. Ramon interpolated the damaged portions based on various other sources.

In the Name of God Amen:  I Vines Collier of the County of Oglethorpe and state of Georgia Being of sound and perfect sense and memory and calling to mind, it is appointed for man once to Die, Do make and ordain this my last will and testament and firs (sic) of all I give my soul to god (sic) that gave it me hoping for The Resurrection of Eternal life & my Body to the dust from whence it Came, and as for my worldly estate that god of his goodness has bestowed on me I give and bequeath in the following maner (sic) to wit:  first, I give my Daughter Betsey Dunn one Negro girl named Dilsey, secondly I give to my daughter Ann Hardaman one negro girl named Janey.  Thirdly I give to my son Isaac Collier one [hundred] acres of land lying in the fork of the Bra(nch) between James Greer and myself (to wit) (beginning) at a Corner persimmon in the spring branc(h) thence thence (sic) down the Branch to the fork, the(nce) up greers Branch to the Back line joining gre(sham) thence on Grishams line as far as will ma(ke a) strait line to the beginning for Complimen(t).  forthly I lend to my well beloved wife Salley Collier my land, Negroes and (all) kinds of property that I possess dur(ing her widowhood) But if she marrys o(nly a child’s) part with my other ten Child(ren, to wit, William Collier,) Thomas (Collier, Joh)n Collier, Cudbth [Cuthbert] (Collier), Vines Co(llier, Benjamin Collier, Williamson Collier,) Robert Co(llier, Pol)ley (Collier and Salley Collier and at) my wife’s death or Marriag(e the whole of what I lend her) to be equa(lly) divided amongst those ten children above mentioned only a child’s (part to her if married) and last of all I appoint my son, John Collier and my son Isaac Collier and Salley Collier, my (wife, Executors and) Executrix of this my last will and testament in witness whereof I have hereunto set my (h)and (and) seal this eleventh day of September one thousand seven hundred and ninety five.



                        Recorded Dec. 11th 1795

                                    Matt Rainey RCOC

Note that Rainey’s refusal to serve as Executor is found at the bottom of page 16.

December the 11th day 1795) I hereby certify and acknowledge that I refuse to act as Executor for the Estate tho named in the will of Vines Collier deced, deced on Monday the 7th of this instant certified by me at office this 11th day of 1795.


Samuel Northington

Matt Rainey, R.C.O.C.

In the upper portion of this page, the heirs acknowledge the validity of the Will and John Collier turns down his inheritance.

(Our) names are hereunto subscribed Do each of us for ourselves and those under whose Right we claim Interests in the Estate of Vines Collier deced agree (that) the paper or writing above said shall be (conside)red as the last will and testament of the said (Vines) Collier deced to operate as fully and as amply (as if) the same had been signed by him the said (Vines) Collier under all the legal requisites, and do hereby (in all pa)rts allow and ratify the same in the most full (and amp)le maner, agreeing also that the same be (record)ed in the Register’s office at (th)e County (of Oglethorpe and I,) John Collier do for m(yself ) here by (quitclaim to all ) interest which I (might) be intitled (agreeable to the direction of suc)h w(riting a)nd authorizing the same disposition as p)ointed out (by the said writing along with) the other (legatees) therein named.

Attest: Matthew Rainey Dec. 11th, 1795
(Salley Collier
Charles Smith (John Collier
(John Hardaman
(Thos. Dunn
(Isaac Collier
(Cuthbert Collier
(Thos. Collier
Recorded on the same day.
Mat. Rainey, R. C. O.

Other documents in the Will Book attest to the intent and accuracy of the unsigned Will of Vines Collier. First is by Matthew Rainey.

State of Georgia)
Oglethorpe County) Matthew Rainey of the County and State aforesaid, planter, being duly sworn saith That on or about the Eleventh Day of September (just) past he was sent for by Vines Collier late of the said County, dec’d, that when he Came, the said Collier told this deponent he wanted him to write (hi)s will and put one which it appeared he had some one Before write into this deponents hand and told him what alteration to make, that the deponent accordingly drew it agreeable to his directions, and (read) it over to him who declared it was according to his intentions and nothing but the want of persons to witness it prevented said Vines Collier from executing it and this deponent further saith that he has once or twice since and not long before his decease, heard Mr. Collier express his concern that the will drawn as above mentioned by this deponent was not executed which will or writing is hereunto subjoined and he veryly believes that when it was Drawn and that every time afterward when the said Collier spoke of it to and in the hearing of deponent, he, the said Collier, was of sound and disposing mind and memory and understanding. This deponent also recollects that Mr. Collier told him on the evening of the tenth or on the said eleventh day of September, that George Younge & Leonard Younge had Been with him and waited to near night in order to witness the said will when wrote and had promised to come again the next day or a few days afterwards and that sometimes afterwards, seeing Mr. Collier, this deponent asked him if the said George and Leonard Younge had come, who told him they did not and he was sorry of it, as he was anxious to have the said will executed. Sworn to and subscribed before me this twentieth of December, 1795.

Jno. Lumpkin J. P.}

Then the sworn statement of Leonard Younge.

State of Georgia)
Oglethorpe County) Leonard Younge of the County and State aforesaid, planter, being duly sworn, saith that he, the deponent, occationally (sic) happened at the house of Vines Collier, now deceased. Mr. Collier drew out a paper and said it was his will and read it to the deponent and expressed some Dissatisfaction tho drawn by himself, which he made mention of, that was, he had pointed out the land he had given to his son, Isaac Collier, and said he would send for Mr. Matthew and get him to write another, and asked him if he would go to his Bro., George Younge, and asked him if he would Come over with himself that evening to witness a new will which he intended to have ready by that time. Accordingly, they both came and Mr. Collier Informed them that he had sent for Mr. Rainey but he had not come and expressed himself somewhat uneasy, urging them to stay but it was not convenient. He asked them to come a few days after, selecting a time himself, the deponent came by himself and his brother not coming by reason of sickness, the business was not done. Sometime after, which was about or on the 7th day of November last, the deponent was in the company of Mr. Collier again and he informed him he got the will ready and all that was wanting was witnesses and he acknowledged (that) it (was) neglect in him that it had not been executed. And this deponent further saith not. Sworn to before me this eleventh day of December, 1795. Jno. Lumpkin, J. P.

Recorded on the same day and date.
11 December 1795 Mat. Rainey, R. C. O. C.

Followed by that of George Younge.

George Younge after duly being sworn saith he, at the request of Mr. Vines Collier delivered by his brother, Leo. Younge, came over to Mr. Collier’s in order to witness a will and when the deponent came he understood the Will was not ready and he was called on to attend a few days afterward, perhaps the next day, as a witness, which was out of his power by reason of sickness. (And this) deponent (further) saith not.

Sworn to before me this eleventh day of December, 1795.
Jno. Lumpkin, J. P.
Recorded this 11th day of December, 1795.
Mat. Rainey, R. C. O. C.

And then the statement from John Collier, son of Vines.

John Collier of the said County, planter, and one of the sons of the said Vines Collier, deceased, being sworn herewith, that he well remembers his father having sent for Mr. Rainey to write his will and for Geo. and Leo. Younge to witness it, that it was late in the evening before Mr. Rainey came And the gentlemen being absent, he asked Mr. Rainey to stay all night and Draw it in the morning, when perhaps the witnesses would come again, that he recollected hearing his father tell Mr. Rainey to draw it and heard it read over to his father by Mr. Rainey after it was wrote and that it Corresponded with the said directions. His tenant(?) further saith that he has examined the handwriting and verily believes it to be the same writing which was wrote by Mr. Rainey for the last will of the said Vines Collier who was well pleased therewith, and believed that Said Collier was of sound memory and understanding at that time. Sworn to before me this Eleventh Day of Dec., 1795.

Jno. Lumpkin, J. P.

Recorded the 11th day of Dec., 1795. Mat. Rainey, R.C.O.C.

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Efford Cobb Collier’s Bible and the Isaac Groves Collier Reunion in Goldthwaite, Texas

Efford Cobb Collier, son of Robert and Martha Marshall Booker Collier and grandson of Vines and Elizabeth Williamson Collier, was born May 4, 1811 in Georgia.  He married  Elizabeth Singleton Harris on November 13, 1834.  In 1857, lured by the promise of abundant, rich farmland at cheap prices in Texas, Efford and Elizabeth moved their family to the Lone Star State.  They settled in the Douglassville area of Cass County, Texas.

Efford died April 26, 1867.  Sometime thereafter, Elizabeth and the family relocated to Central Texas.  Descendants of Efford and Elizabeth can be found throughout the region today.  In the 1920s, those descendants were the subject of a search by Jena Cuthbert Collier (see the Dec. 2015 post, Searching for the Family of Efford Cobb Collier).  Another CHF post, Collier Family History, by Elmer Roy Collier, dated Jan. 2016, contains the entire work of Elmer Collier.  The document focuses to a great extent on the Efford Cobb Collier branch while including significant research into the Collier line going back to England and France.

According to the Elmer Collier history, Isaac Groves Collier, the son of Efford Cobb and Elizabeth Collier, was born February 2, 1855 in Georgia.  Isaac married Elizabeth Ann Phillips on November 24, 1878.  Both are buried in Center City Cemetery near Goldthwaite, Texas.

The Isaac Groves Collier Family Reunion, an annual event, was held July 1, 2018, in Goldthwaite.  Mike Collier, descendant of Isaac Groves was in attendance and provided CHF an opportunity to photograph in color the Efford Cobb Collier Family Bible.  Black and white scans of the genealogy portion of the Bible are included in Elmer’s Collier Family History.  According to Elmer Collier, the Bible was purchased in Georgia by Efford C. Collier on July 5, 1838 for the price of $3.30.  The first family history page is shown below, followed by a photo of a flower and lock of hair that are pressed between the pages.  Any information about the significance of those two items will be appreciated.

High resolution copies of the more than 20 photographs may be accessed by clicking the link below.  We are grateful to Mike Collier for making this historical document available.

Efford Cobb Collier Bible

Here are some pictures from the reunion, grouped by generation.




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Miss Alma Botts

Here is a gem for those researching the genealogy of the BOTTS or BURBAGE families.  It involves J C Collier and is a reflection of his business manner.

J C Collier was a prolific writer, authoring over 100 letters on a busy day. He began his business career in a time before telephone usage was widespread, so written correspondence was the business norm. Even when phones became more common, calls out of Barnesville, Georgia to places of his business interests, such as New York, Chicago, and Boston, were charged as expensive, “long distance” calls.  J C hired stenographers who not only typed his outgoing letters, but transcribed and typed incoming mail.  Multiple carbon copies of correspondence were made using thin, onion skin paper.

J C typically posted notices of openings for stenographers in distant newspapers. This is a response to one of his ads from Alma Botts of Abbeville, South Carolina. It is dated September 1, 1925. The sincerity and excitement as 19-year old Alma Botts begins her career is obvious.

Piedmont Development Co.
Barnesville, Ga

Dear Sir:

Having read your ad in the paper for an experienced stenographer, I am writing for you to consider me an applicant for the position.

I am 19 years old, five feet, four inches tall and weigh 112 pounds.

I am a graduate of Abbevile High School, Abbeville, S.C., and of Greenwood Business College.

For the past few months I have worked in the Private Office of the Business College, where I had excellent training in letter writing and general office work. I also have had some experience in a Real Estate Office.

I write and read my notes very rapidly and have a good rate of speed with my typeing (sic).

I could come to begin work at any time you would desire.

I would be willing to begin working at a very reasonable salary. I am very energetic and am not afraid of work.

I have worked very hard to secure my education and I must make good.

If you would only give me a trial I would do all in my power to render you my best service at all times.

Thanking you for any consideration that you may give my application, I am
Yours sincerely,
(Miss) Alma Botts

Miss Alma Botts
211 North Main St.
Abbeville, S.C.

1925_09_01 Letter Alma Botts to JCC


Always one to make clear his expectations, J C Collier wrote back on September 3, 1925 with details about the job.

1925_09_03 Ltr JCC to Miss Alma Botts


To which Miss Botts responded in a September 4 a telegram with notice of her acceptance.

1925_09_04 Telegram Alma Botts to JCC


And on September 5, she sent J C Collier a telegram of her expected arrival time.

1925_09_05 Telegram Alma Botts to JCC


Further information regarding Alma Botts was not available in J C Collier’s papers.  In attempt to reach any of her family, the following was found in an online genealogy site.  It appears Miss Botts had returned to Abbeville by 1926 when she married Harold Burbage.  Her obituary states she was the last member of her immediate family.  This post is made hoping some extended family member will find the story of this young lady.

Alma Botts Burbage



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Family Heirlooms?

In 1943, D C came upon two silver “beakers” in the possession of a New York dealer in American antiquities. One of the beakers was engraved “Vines Collier” and the other “Sara”. D C, who was living in New York City at the time, visited the dealer (The House of Peters) at least twice.

Here is a letter from The House of Peters to J C Collier offering to sell the beakers for $200.00, which would be equivalent to almost $2900.00 today. The letter was accompanied by a photograph of the beakers. Based on a note inside one of the beakers, the items had belonged to a late doctor (Dr. Norton) who had served in the Union army and who obtained them near Macon in 1864. The supposition is they were stolen during the uncontrolled looting by Sherman’s army in the March to the Sea.

Vines Beaker Letter

Vines Beaker Picture

Vines Beaker Picture Back

J C and D C didn’t purchase the beakers. The country was in the middle of World War II; money was not easily had and the future was uncertain. One of D C‘s two sons was in the US Army in North Africa, the other in the Annapolis Naval Academy. And D C’s daughter was serving with the US Weather Bureau in Puerto Rico. Definitely not the perfect time to invest in unnecessary items.

Or perhaps they felt they weren’t authentic. But if they were, could they have originally belonged to Vines and Sarah Collier from the Lexington area? Or perhaps another Vines Collier and Sara? We all know Vines was a name in common usage in the Collier family.

And, if they were original to the Lexington couple, what family were they stolen from near Macon? Perhaps someone out there has stories of their family losing silver to Yankee troops near Macon in 1864.

2 Thoughts on “Family Heirlooms?

  1. Don Collier on December 12, 2017 at 11:04 am said:

    Is the location of the beakers known today?

  2. collierheritage on December 12, 2017 at 1:10 pm said:

    I don’t know the whereabouts of the beakers. Virginia Collier Dennis had mentioned to me in passing that someone offered to sell her father (D C Collier) some silver cups owned by Vines Collier. The first hard evidence I found was in the letter and picture that are presented here.

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The Collier Collection Goes to the Georgia Historical Society in Savannah

GHS sign

In early 2015, over 200 cubic feet of documents, ledgers, and other material from the Estate of Virginia Collier Dennis was donated to the Thomaston-Upson Archives in Thomaston, Georgia.   The other material included a roll-top desk, large framed portraits, numerous photographs, and textiles.  The desk and some of the portraits were put on display in the Archives meeting room.  The Archives was selected because of the purpose of the facility and because much of the history represented in the collection related to Upson, Pike, and Lamar counties.

In May 2016, the Archives notified CHF the facility had neither the room nor the resources to handle the collection. Alternate facilities were examined and the best fit was found to be Georgia Historical Society in Savannah  On July 26, 2016, Georgia Historical Society had the Collier Collection packaged and loaded on a truck for transfer to Savannah.  It was delivered safely and unloaded the same day.

Georgia Historical Society is one of the oldest historical societies in the country.  The building is impressive and its facilities are excellent.  However, as the state historical society, much of its material is related to Savannah and coastal Georgia.  The “Collier Collection” will give them over 100 years of material from the 1820s through the War between the States, World War I, the Great Depression, and World War II.   The collection includes deeds, legal documents, business and personal letters, farm information, textile mill documents, merchant records, and industrial reports that document the history of middle Georgia and a prominent family of that area.  Many of the photographs and documents you have seen, or will see, posted here will be preserved at the Georgia Historical Society.

The Georgia Historical Society is excited to have the Collier Collection, and the Collier Heritage Foundation is excited for them to have it.

Click on this link to go to the Georgia Historical Society website.  Don’t expect to find our donation listed for quite some time as it is being inventoried and cataloged.

Georgia Historical Society


GHS building 5

Main Building of the Georgia Historical Society, Savannah, Georgia





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